The quaint town of Koroit is well worth a visit. The town has been hailed as one of Australia’s most complete examples of an early Irish settlement and has become renowned for its annual Koroit Irish Festival, which is held in April each year, and attracts thousands...
Take a drive to Tower Hill, a state game reserve set on a dormant volcano. Here you can see a variety of native wildlife including emus, kangaroos, koalas and birds. The reserve includes a number of picturesque walks, barbeque and picnic facilities and the Worn...
Killarney beach is a recognised fishing spot. Fishers commonly catch whiting, snapper and flathead. Salmon are also regularly caught during the winter months and garfish are often caught in summer
The seaside town of Port Fairy is one of Victoria’s most popular tourist destinations and has been internationally recognised as the world’s most liveable community. The town is located at the point where the Moyne River enters the Southern Ocean and is a great spot...
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